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List of Works by Ensemble
(chronologically ordered from least to most recent)
Commissions are noted with a double asterisk (**) before the title.
Solo Works
The Brahmin's Son, for solo piano (2015) / premiered April 2015 by Patrick Cannady; Ithaca, New York
i. fantasy
ii. rondo, "hustle & bustle"
graspinginFINity, for solo piano (2018) / upcoming premiere December 2020 by Benjamin Kopp; Sydney, Australia
* Sydney Contemporary Orchestra Call for Scores, 2020
**fleeting faster, for solo piano (2020) / upcoming recording May 2020 by Patrick Cannady; New York City, NY
fitting-in, for solo flutist (2021) / premiered May 12, 2021 by Caroltta Raponi of 'Divertimento Ensemble'; Milan, Italy (winner of the Annual Composition Competition (Solo Round - 2021) for fitting-in, for solo flutist
Chamber Works
Cadence, for string septet (2012-2013) / premiered March 2013 by Café Night Ensemble; Moorestown, New Jersey
exuberance, for brass quintet (2013)
Green, for six singers (2015), original text by Caroline Fresh / premiered April 2015 by Lucrezia Ceccarelli, Caroline Fresh, Elizabeth Embser, Nick Kelliher, Maxwell Kiesling, and Marshall Pokrentowski, conducted by Liam Mcgookin-Cunningham; Ithaca, New York
**Divine Intervention, for clarinet in Bâ™, cello, and piano (2015) / premiered March 2015 by Ithaca College Contemporary Ensemble;
Ithaca, New York
Woes of the Women, for treble choir and piano (2015), text by Gagan Gill / premiered March 2015 by Ithaca College Sophomore Singers; Ithaca, New York
Haiku Sonata, for violin and piano (2015-2016, rev. 2018) /
originally premiered March 2016 by Esther Witherell and Joon Sung-ko; Ithaca, New York
Revised Version premiered ​May 2018 by Hee-Yoon Ryu and Sofia Medintsava; St. Petersburg Russia
i. autumn skin beæt red
ii. as it snowed in october
iii. summer's slice burnsz still
insatiably.swilring.sweet.surprise, for wind quintet (2016) / premiered July 2016 by the Atlantic Music Festival Resident Artists; Waterville, ME (USA)
**soliloquy of the solipsist, for soprano and ensemble (2016), text by Sylvia Plath / written for Lucrezia Ceccarelli
DOMestiquée, for soprano, electric guitar, and pedal board (2016-2017) / written for Caroline Fresh, premiered November 2016* by Caroline Fresh, Parker Callister, and Nicky Young; Ithaca, New York. *changes were made to the score post-premiere
Gnats!, for tenor and piano (2016), text by Hermann Hesse / written for Joseph Lupa, premiered November 2016; Ithaca, New York
**The Pulse of My Sisters, for low-voice choir (2017), text by Larsen Zia Wenzel / written for the Ithaca Gay Men's Chorus; premiered November 2017; Ithaca, New York
from-the-groundUP, for wind quintet (2018)
A voicemail you may soon regret..., for soprano and piano (2018)
blakCat, a chamber opera (2018 - ongoing) / Scene 1 premiered May 2018 by Ann-Marie Iacoviello (Rosalie) and Wee Kiat Chia (blakCat)
**dollHauz [three non-piano trios for violin, cello, and someone else] (2019 - 2020) / written for Carolyn Regula and Dan Qiao
premiered July 2019 with Anna Dunlap at Mostly Modern Festival; Saratoga Springs, New York
i. the bedroom, becoming
ii. the solarium, brightening
iii. the garden, blossoming
* being recorded and released on Orpheus Classical Spring-Summer 2021
**mud & straw, for violin and cello (2020) / written for Carolyn Regula and Dan Qiao
*being recorded and released on Orpheus Classical Spring-Summer 2021
flick α', for brass quintet (2020)
divergent-s; for soprano, viola, and piano (2021) / premiered June 25, 2021 at Longy School of Music of Bard College, Edward M. Pickman Concert Hall (Boston, MA, USA) by Mary Mackenzie (soprano), Sarah Darling (viola), and Donald Berman (piano)
String Quartet
three unbalanced etudes (2015-2016)
i. texture / premiered November 2016 by "First Four" String Quartet; Ithaca, New York
ii. timbre / read April 2016 by Mivos Quartet
iii. time
rev.rok.. (2016 - 2017) / read November 2017 by the Arditti Quartet; Boston, MA
foreplay (2018) / written for and premiered April 2018 by the JACK Quartet; Boston, MA
fracking (2020)
Large Ensemble
onceBlue, for wind ensemble (2016-2017)
*Top 10 of 1000 Applicants, Singapore International Wind Band Composition Competition
Grounded [thirdbase and then-some], for large orchestra (2018) / read May 2018 by the Boston University Symphony Orchestra, cond. Bramwell Tovey
hidden lakes, for an orchestra of solos, percussion, and strings (2020) / Semi-finalist (2021) for The American Prize in Orchestral Composition (professional division)
written on a boat on the way to Koh-Lanta, for chamber orchestra (2020)
bodies, for SATB choir, oboe, piano, viola, two cellos, and contrabass (2020 - ongoing)
i. Bright star!, text by John Keats
ii. Be Lost in the Call (Part 1), text by Rumi
iii. Skies Opening, text from the Book of Genesis
iv. Today, I found an Eden, text by Ramya Ramana
v. Be Lost in the Call (Part 2), text by Rumi
Musical Theater
Leanna Johnson, a musical (2007 - 2009) / written with K. R. Siegel. Concept album/Studio Recording made in 2009
Beard, a musical (unfinished) / "Good Enough" premiered by Rachel Benjamin April 2015; Ithaca, New York
blue-electric (2017)
winds (2018)
forty-five (2018)
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